
Join the Society

The JSAF was established for comprehensive promotion of basic study on active fault research, multi-disciplinary research with related scientific fields, outreach activity and education, in order to contribute to the development of the science and the seismic hazard mitigations in Japan. The activity of the society is as follows;

  1. Active fault research and its promotion
  2. Organizing annual fall meeting and symposia
  3. Publication of ‘Katsudanso Kenkyuu (Active Fault Research) twice in a year
  4. Organizing lecture meeting, training workshop, and enlightenment activities
  5. Collaboration and communication with associated societies
  6. Implementation of international collaborative research
  7. Honor of achievement and encouragement of research

Membership is always open to all interested in active fault research

Benefits of Membership

All members is able to receive the journal of ‘Katsudanso Kenkyuu (Active Fault Research)’ twice in a year and to present scientific results at the annual scientific meeting. The members have voting right and eligibility for selections of the President, Auditors and Secretary of the Executive Committee. After registration of the Monthly Newsletter (in Japanese), the members receive more information from the JSAF by e-mail.

Member Category and Membership Dues

Ordinary members: 8,000 Japanese Yen
Student members: 2,000 Japanese Yen

Cooperate members

Subscriber members: 7,000 Japanese Yen

Application Form

Please contact the secretary office by e-mail: danso(a) *change (a) to @

Copyright © Japanese Society for Active Fault Studies. All Rights Reserved.